The reflection stems from the fact that I have always gone against the grain, I can’t do things because they are fashionable, popular, because they are done that way, and so I can call myself an outsider, a “weirdo,” one of those who used to be called Nerds, today more polically correct Geeks, sometimes it has paid to be different from others, other times it has been a social limitation, in communication or in social skills, but as I am made of character it is more a problem for others than for me.

This post stems from the fact that Social goes more today, than blog posts (and in fact I have several youtube channels, the first since 2006, as soon as it was born), and Instagram, Vero, Wave and I frequent (but do not produce) for TikTok, Facebook I have always used since its inception, but little because of its scattered nature and strongly oriented to make things disappear, and you read little in theory…

“Algorithms prefer short, redundant articles…”
translation : I should treat you like decelebrates with a 20 mm nail pierced in the frontal lobe by repeating the same intro at least three times, in a different way to become more popular for the algorithm…
I have respect for you. No thanks…

“You write too much, then people don’t read everything”
bah… whatever… these are views of people who don’t even read the basic instructions and then complain that things don’t work because they didn’t remove the plastic tab on the batteries… according to those people, those blogs that have 8 lines but the page looks full because it’s all ads and a headline related to the news are better…
Twitter is the place for you … not my site, here people who want to know and learn come here

” videos are better”
yes, I also have more than one youtube channel for almost 20 years, for different things….

” your channel has no regular content”
the main channel contains tutorials, tricks, on different programs, which I do along with many other things, maybe more varied ones will be born, when I feel like it 😛

Ok … arrived almost to 50 years … I think I can continue like this, be different from others, and be happy to have near those who appreciate it, and far away those who do not understand my choices …
ps Obviously the choice for the image is that of the Geek par excellence, namely the legendary Tim Burton.
pps on curiosity of a friend I found out that although my blog is all against the grain it is visited more than I think, even from Japan…
Different is the new Popular 😛